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/ Leadership / LEAD Team


LEAD Team members are current undergraduate students who serve as peer education facilitators. They are trained to facilitate a variety of leadership development workshops for all students on campus. LEAD Workshops are engaging, relevant, one-hour sessions for any group, class, or organization. Each workshop focuses on a different leadership topic or skill to foster your personal and professional development. You’ll get great experience and information to help you lead and be able to network with other students interested in leadership.

Request a workshop

Are you a student leader or staff member that wants to bring a Leadership Workshop to your class or student group meeting? Please fill out this Workshop Request Form. View this document for a brief description of all of the workshops we offer, the time needed for each one, and more.

Want to join our team?

Interested in facilitating these leadership development workshops? Apply for LEAD Team today! The application is live on Handshake, check it out here. Application closes January 6.


Please reach out to Kaleigh Del Greco at if you have any questions or need help developing a leadership workshop for your students.

LEAD team
LEAD workshop