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Days of Service

CEL sponsors a monthly opportunity for service, reflection and education. In this one-day event, participants are urged to consider their impact and greater role in the world around them. All volunteer work directly benefits our local communities, with students providing services in a variety of ways, from river and trail cleanups to sorting food supplies at one of our local food pantries. Days of Service happen in full months of each semester:

Fall Semester: September, October, November

Spring Semester: February, March, April


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Our Days of Service Executive Board

Meet the students who are currently participating in our Days of Service as Community Partner Site Leaders.

Marina Cywinski

Marina Cywinski

Executive Chair

Major: Psychology, minor in Leadership Studies

Hometown: Mooresville, NC

Bucket List: To design and build my own home


Anna Bradford

Anna Bradford

Site Leader

Major: Psychology, minor in Leadership Studies

Hometown: Chapel Hill, NC

Bucket List: Visit Ireland


Sarah Caviness

Sarah Caviness

Site Leader

Major: Sustainable Development, conc. in Community, Regional, and Global Development

Hometown: Greenville, NC

Bucket List: Ride a hot air balloon


Rheannon Dean

Rheannon Dean

Site Leader

Major: Construction Management

Hometown: Chapel Hill, NC

Bucket List: Travel to Paris with my mother


Theresia Bennett

Theresia Bennett

Site Leader

Major: Psychology, minors in Public Health and Statistics

Hometown: Cary, NC

Bucket List: Go on a cross-country trip


Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Site Leader

Major: Sustainable Technology, minor in Community and Regional Planning

Hometown: Troutman, NC

Bucket List: Visit the Seven Wonders of the World 

Alec Rogers

Alec Rogers

Site Leader

Major: Middle Grades Education, conc. in Language Arts & Social Studies

Hometown: Angier, NC

Bucket List: Traveling to the Swiss Alps