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LDS: Leadership Minor

Leadership Studies Program

The Leadership Studies Program, a part of the Department of Counseling, Family Therapy, and Higher Education (or CTH) in the Reich College of Education, offers a number of courses each semester. Leadership Studies courses utilize critical reflection, active engagement, and community-based learning to explore the phenomenon of leadership through theory, research, scholarship, and lived experience. All courses (except Senior Leadership Capstone) are open to all students interested in learning about leadership, even if you aren’t a part of the Leadership Studies Minor. Review the Undergraduate Bulletin for a full description of all Leadership Studies courses and the official Program of Study for the Leadership minor.

Selected topics

Each semester we may choose to offer a selected topic course not listed on the bulletin. These courses are open to any student and can count towards elective credit. For students in the Leadership Studies Minor, these courses can count towards the required upper-level LDS elective or your approved electives.

For Spring 2025, we are offering two selected topics:

  • LDS 3544 Selected Topics: Group and Organizational Leadership
  • LDS 3536 Selected Topics: Leadership and Culture – Socially-Responsible Leadership in Scotland – this course is a faculty-led study abroad!  

You receive a Leadership Studies Minor after completing 18 hours in leadership studies and related courses. The Leadership Studies Minor takes an interdisciplinary approach and allows you to draw from a variety of disciplines. You’ll learn that leadership is a process and be exposed to many different perspectives that enhance critical thinking and decision-making.

If you are interested in the Leadership Studies Minor then these are your next steps to take:

  • Review the Program of Study in the Undergraduate Bulletin to determine which courses you may need to take.
  • Complete the Minor Interest Form to connect with the Program Director.
  • Before declaring a minor, talk with your Academic Advisor about the requirements within your specific college or department.
  • Ask your advisor if courses counting towards your major can also fulfill electives for the minor. Substitutions to approved electives for the minor may be made with the approval of the Leadership Studies Program Director.
  • Contact the Office of Community-Engaged Leadership and/or the Leadership Studies Program Director at with additional questions.